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Bromantane is a widely used in research atypical psychostimulant and anxiolytic. Chemically it is a derivative of adamantine with interesting pharmacological profile. The drug was developed, like many nootropics, in Russia, for the treatment of neurasthenia. Unfortunately (or fortunately), most scientific works are Russian, what may cause some skepticism. The exact mechanism of action is not known, but there are some prerequisites.

As befits ancient Russian studies, the effects of bromantane were established purely statistically. The drug has established itself as an atypical psychostimulant and anxiolytic. Researches speculate that it is a dopamine and serotonin reuptake inhibitor and / or releaser. To less extent, the same is observed with norepinephrine.

Drug increases the strength of the alpha rhythm and reduces the strength of the beta and delta rhythms. This partly proves its stimulating effect. The alpha rhythm is detected during training and normal wakefulness of a person. In the transition from wrestling to sleep, the alpha rhythm is replaced by the sigma rhythm, followed by theta waves. During light sleep, a delta rhythm is observed. The beta rhythm is a kind of calm state during wakefulness, it is also observed while taking GABA-A agonsits and other drugs that increase inhibitory neurotransmission. Also, the beta rhythm occurs during the rapid (REM) phase of sleep. Thus, due to its peculiar effect on the electrical rhythms of the brain and an increase in the volume of working memory, bromantane is believed to gieve a productive state for performing various mental work.

In previous articles, we briefly mentioned long-term potentiation of signal transmission (also known as LTP). So, there is still a short-term potentiation, which is enhanced by the hero of today’s review. This is achieved through intricate mechanisms of influence on the synthesis of messenger RNA and dopamine neurotransmission, however, it is not planned to review these phenomena in detail within the framework of this article, but since we are talking about RNA, it would be a sin not to note that bromantane increases the expression of enzymes that synthesize dopamine. Due to an indirect increase in the synthesis of dopamine, the drug reduces the systemic amount of prolactin, which may be of interest to users using antipsychotics and bodybuilding.

Bromantane reduces the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines (both in the central nervous system and in the periphery), due to which it may be appropriate during all sorts of depression and inflammatory diseases.

Well, cherry on the cake – this drug releases neurotrophic factors.



1000g, 1g, 5g, 10g, 50g